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Release ThermoSysPro version 4.1

MAZURIE Baptiste requested to merge release/v4.1 into master

Release for ThermoSysPro 4.1 with ReleaseNote:

Version 4.1 (November 6, 2024) 
ThermoSysPro modifications from version 4.0 
New features: 
- Added a new sensor component ThermoSysPro/InstrumentationAndControl/Blocks/Sources/WirelessSensor to show Real values which can then be connected to ThermoSysPro signal components (featuring a color scale).
- Added the NuclearCore package.
- Added a new I&C component for Hysteresis effect : ThermoSysPro/InstrumentationAndControl/Blocks/NonLineaire/Hysteresis.
- Added a pressure output signal in ThermoSysPro/WaterSteam/Volumes/Pressurizer.
- Modification of ntubes from Integer to Real in Fluid/PressureLosses/LumpedStraightPipe, WaterSteam/HeatExchangers/DynamicOnePhaseFlowPipe and WaterSteam/PressureLosses/LumpedStraightPipe to allow equivalent geometries.
- Some Xh2o concentrations in some diphasic components in the Fluid package were set to 1 whereas it should have been 0.
- EndOfLines are now set to \n and not to Windows'EOLs \n\r, so that all OS can modify the library (.gitattributes added to the git library)
Edited by MAZURIE Baptiste

Merge request reports
