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#70-No call to cardinality in parameter definition

MAZURIE Baptiste requested to merge fix/70-cardinality_in_parameter into develop

Changed parameter dyn_mech_equation in ThermoSysPro/WaterSteam/Machines/ so that it does not use cardinality in parameter definition. Used solution from WaterSteam mentioned in #70 (closed) (no intermediate definition of dyn_mech_equation was needed as it is only used in an if-assert)

Cardinality is still used, but in an if-assert which is fine according to Modelica.

Solved #71 (closed) by the way, and deleted ThermoSysPro/InstrumentationAndControl/Blocks/NonLineaire/ as it was not in package.order (same file as ThermoSysPro/InstrumentationAndControl/Blocks/NonLineaire/ which both generated warnings (OM and Dymola).

Merge request reports
