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New vegetation friction law in TELEMAC-2D based on Cui et al. (2023)

Gabriele Farina requested to merge cui_vegetation_law into main


Implementation in TELEMAC-2D of the friction term for vegetation presented in Cui et al. (2023). The vegetation friction law was implemented in TELEMAC-2D following the methodology presented by Folke et al., 2019 for the vegetation laws already available.


H. Cui, S. Felder and M. Kramer, “Predicting flow resistance in open-channel flows with submerged vegetation”, Environ Fluid Mech 23, 757–778, 2023

F. Folke, R. Koopman, G. Dalledonne and M. Attieh, “Comparison of different vegetation models using TELEMAC-2D", XXVIth TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference, Toulouse, France, 15th to 17th October 2019


All Merge Requests:

  • Update NEWS.txt to describe your changes.
  • Run --check to check FORTRAN coding conventions.
  • Run pylint to check Python coding conventions.
  • If you added new files, run --clean --rescan and commit the updated cmdf file(s) accordingly.
  • Run --clean for both normal and debug configurations.
  • Run for both normal and debug configurations.
  • Run --notebook for both normal and debug configurations.
  • Run if there are any modifications in the documentation.
  • Run --eficas if there are any modifications in the dictionaries.

In addition, for a new feature:

  • Check that your feature works in both serial and parallel modes.
  • Add at least one test case to check the functionality (with documentation, graphics and VnV script)
  • Update the documentation for the module in which your feature will be available.
Edited by Fabien Souille

Merge request reports
