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Massive speed-up of the contour extraction algorithm

Boris Basic requested to merge extract-contour-optim into main

Reference issue



The original contour extraction algorithm, while working, was flawed in several ways. This replaces it entirely with a new one which consists in three steps:

  1. Boundary edges extraction using Cantor pairing for fast identification of unique edges.
  2. Grouping of boundary nodes into contours by using a dictionary of node neighbours for quick search.
  3. Building the list of domains with external and internal contours identification by computing the signed area of each contour using the Shoelace formula.

This substantially improves on the previous algorithm: for a mesh consisting of 369769 nodes with several islands (holes), the previous algorithm took 2.64 seconds, whereas the new algorithm takes 0.39 seconds. It is also much more efficient than the previous algorithm when using a boundary conditions file, which is no longer necessary.


All Merge Requests:

  • Update NEWS.txt to describe your changes.
  • Run --check-code to check FORTRAN coding conventions.
  • Run pylint to check Python coding conventions.
  • If you added new files, run --clean --rescan and commit the updated cmdf file(s) accordingly.
  • Run --clean for both normal and debug configurations.
  • Run for both normal and debug configurations.
  • Run --notebook for both normal and debug configurations.
  • Run if there are any modifications in the documentation.
  • Run --eficas if there are any modifications in the dictionaries.

Additionnaly, for a new feature:

  • Check that your feature works in both serial and parallel modes.
  • Add at least one test case to check the functionality (with documentation, graphics and VnV script)
  • Update the documentation for the module in which your feature will be available.
Edited by Boris Basic

Merge request reports
