[courlis][scripts][mascaret] 2021 developments for COURLIS (and MASCARET/PYTHON scripts)
COURLIS developments :
- New bedload tranport formula added (Lefort2014, Recking2013, Recking2015)
- New option of equilibrium slope for upstream boundary condition for the bedload module
- New option for the calculation of energy slope (which is the default option now)
- New test-cases for bedload transport formula
- Fixes in Fortran and in some test-cases
MASCARET developments :
- New option for numerical scheme in Sarap "decentrement" which allow a speed-up in some Courlis calculation
- New mascaret.dico file which includes Damocles keywords for MASCARET, TRACER and COURLIS (used by Python script to
PYTHON script developments :
- New feature to convert xcas file into Damocles case file format (and vice versa)
- New feature to launch calculation with Damocles case file format (by conversion of cas file into xcas file)
- Add some options to "extract_ptravers_res_to_geoc" option of converter.py
Edited by Matthieu Secher