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Time optimisation when using BINARY ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE

Chi-Tuân Pham requested to merge OptimBinAtmoFile into main

In David Haverson, Toby Johnson and @christophe.coulet have pointed out a decrease of performance when reading bit BINARY ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE. Also discussed in #543 (closed)

This feature suggests a time optimisation when using BINARY ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE provided that it follows the format expected by METEO_TELEMAC module. It also takes into account reference date (and potential offsets) for this input file (not done yet). Thanks to fruitful discussions, it also solves the issue when the last time step is greater than final time of the atmospheric data file but not too much, preventing from an unexpected crash of the computation. The old method is still possible by adding old subroutines METEO_FROM_BINARY_FILE, METEO_SET_VAR_NAMES, READ_BIN_2D subroutines and modified METEO subroutine in the Fortran file. A method to convert the old format of BINARY ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE to the new and expected ones is explained in the T2D and T3D user manuals.

Approved by David Haverson and Toby Johnson in the dedicated topic of the forum.

Merge request reports
