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Courlis (bedload transport mode) : new option for bottom evolution with uniform erosion and uniform deposition

Matthieu Secher requested to merge 2022_4_courlis_profil_evolution into main

Courlis (bedload transport mode) : new option for bottom evolution with uniform erosion and uniform deposition These developments include :

  • New keywords to activate this option : OPTION FOR PROFILE EVOLUTION = 2 (historic option is 1 and is kept by default) and IMPOSED ELEVATION FOR EROSION (or FILE FOR IMPOSED ELEVATIONS FOR EROSION)
  • With this option, specific "planimetrage" functions (function that calculate 1D hydraulic variables from 2D cross-section) have been developed
  • User documentation
  • 2 Validation test-cases
Edited by Matthieu Secher

Merge request reports
