Original date and hour of time read from TELEMAC (2D or 3D) and written in GAIA results file
If not filling ORIGINAL DATE OF TIME and ORIGINAL HOUR OF TIME in GAIA steering file, no information dealing with time is written in the GAIA RESULTS FILE. The data coming from TELEMAC-2D or TELEMAC-3D are ignored.
This feature reads MARDAT and MARTIM from TELEMAC-2D or TELEMAC-3D when calling GAIA_INIT in TELEMAC2D_INIT or TELEMAC3D_INIT subroutines (2 arguments are added). 2 keywords ORIGINAL DATE OF TIME and ORIGINAL HOUR OF TIME are removed in GAIA dictionary and lecdon. If the 2 keywords were written in the GAIA steering file, they should now be moved in the TELEMAC (2D or 3D) steering file.
Closes issue #895 (closed)