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[telemac2d][telemac3d] Fix securing HBOR to be positive (tide+TOMAWACT3D)

Chi-Tuân Pham requested to merge SecureHBORpos into main

When modelling tide with tidal database different from TPXO (e.g. JMJ or "miscellaneous" e.g. FES, NEA or PREVIMER), there is no minimum threshold to 0 for HBTIDE (see BORD_TIDE or BORD_TIDE_MISC subroutines). So is when coupling TELEMAC-3D with TOMAWAC-T3D for HBOR (see BORD3D subroutine).

In TPXO module, HBTIDE%R(K) = MAX( 0.D0 , Z-ZF(NBOR(K)) ) is written. It is now postponed outside in TIDAL_MODEL_T2D and TIDAL_MODAL_T3D as done for other tidal databases directly for HBOR.

It will enable to do generic treatments when modelling tide independent from chosen tidal database (e.g. inverted barometric effect).

Merge request reports
