[scripts] Add features to MascaretGeoFile and Section (1D) classes + code-style correction & docstring
Add features to MascaretGeoFile class :
- Reading topo-bathy information used for limits of minor/major beds in 1D profiles of Mascaret ("T" stands for topographic which means major bed of the river and "B" for bathymetry which means minor bed of the river)
- Reading sediment layers in Courlis geometry files (geoC & georefC)
- New method to generate GIS file formatted for PreCourlis QGIS plugin (attributes containing geometric information)
Modification to Section (class of mascaret_file.py) to store topo-bathy data
Adaptation of notebooks tests touched by those modifications
+ some coding-style corrections and add docstrings
Edited by Matthieu Secher