Error in creation of DELWAQ files in v7p3
This issue was created automatically from an original CUE issue. Further discussion may take place here.
In v7p3 DELWAQ files are very large and much bigger than v7p1 . In case, the files were of the order of 100 times bigger for TELEMAC2D application. Inspection of the TEL4DEL source code showed that the 'time aggregation time step (ISTEPA) is set to 0 on the first time step. It is supposed to be incremented at each subsequent call on each time step. We found that the value becomes a very large number although there is no mechanism for that to happen. It seems that the value of ISTEPA is not remembered from one call to the other. This has the consequence that data is written out to the files every time step rather than at the prescribed interval Inserting a 'SAVE' statement allowed the value of ISTEPA to be remembered, and data to be written at the correct frequency. I think this has arisen because of the TEL4DEL is now a module rather than a simple subroutine of TELEMAC as in earlier releases.
This fix needs to be checked by others and implemented ASAP.