Implement more options from alter
Here are the modifications available through alter
Format modification:
--float switch between DOUBLE and SINGLE precision float
--endian switch between endian encoddings
Header modification:
--title TITLE set the title of the file
Date modification:
--datetime DATETIME set the start date of the file (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
Variable modification:
--vars XVARS specify which variables should remain (','-delimited)
--rename RENAME_VAR change the name of a VARIABLE: 'OLD VAR=NEW VAR'
--var? MODIF_VAR will modify var? ((var*? * val )+ var+?) operations on that VARIABLE name
--var+? ADD_VAR adds to the VARIABLE
--var*? MUL_VAR scales the VARIABLE
Time modification:
--times specify times index
-f TFROM, --from TFROM specify the first frame included
-s TEND, --stop TEND specify the last frame included (negative from the end)
-d TSTEP, --step TSTEP specify the step for the extraction of frames
--reset-time reset first time to zero by remove t0 to all times
--T+? ADD_TIME adds to the ATs
--T*? MUL_TIME scales the ATs
Coordinates modification:
--sph2ll SPH2LL SPH2LL convert from spherical to longitude-latitude
--ll2sph LL2SPH LL2SPH convert from longitude-latitude to spherical
--ll2utm LL2UTM zone info convert from longitude-latitude to UTM (giving XXX will let the script pick the zone otherwise specify zone with number + letter (for example 24S))
--utm2ll UTM2LL zone info to convert from UTM to longitude-latitude (for example 24S)
--X+? ADD_X adds to the meshx
--X*? MUL_X scales the meshx
--Y+? ADD_Y adds to the meshy
--Y*? MUL_Y scales the meshy
--orig ORIG ORIG Origin of coordinates (X_ORIG, Y_ORIG in file)
--rotate ROTATE Angle of rotation (counter clockwise) to apply in degree
--rotation-point ROT_PT ROT_PT Point around which to do the rotation
--center Apply rotation with center of mesh as rotation point
--proj PROJ Proj using pyproj format (CRSCODE1/CRSCODE2 for example EPSG:4326/EPSG:27561)